Monday, October 31, 2005

TopologistNow Lives!

Yes! Despite Deanna's failure to detect any life on this blog, it is in fact alive and kicking. I originally set it up so that I could get a new blogger profile with my name on it. This allows me to appear to be at least slightly serious (something which my regular pseudonym precludes) when posting comments to other people's blogs.

Expect more postings very soon indeed. In the meantime, those of you immune to innovative and entertaining music should go to the Mogwai website linked on the right and download the Hunted by a Freak mp3 from their audio page. It will change your world.


At 11:11 AM, Blogger impermissible wanyĆ¼ said...

Hello there.
just would like to say mogwai is absolutely amazing, and I did not know they were touring until i clicked the link on your blog to their website. Thanks for that, indeed. :) wanyu-friend-of-jenny's


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