Monday, February 19, 2007

Too much Tengo

I have recently been digging* New Jersey's finest, Yo La Tengo, so much so that since my arrival in Sheffield I have bought six of their albums. (If you don't believe me then look at the picture.**) I only just counted these albums and I'm pretty impressed with myself. Anyhow, it's all good stuff, but my favourite track by far is Pass the hatchet, I think I'm goodkind, which none of you will be surprised to hear is more than ten minutes long. Not that you'd bother listening to it anyway. Harumph.

*Dig, for those of you who are deaf to the modern, is a word used by the kids when they like something. For example, one tracksuited youngster at the back of a bus might say to the other, "Man, I'm really digging that tinny rattle coming out of your phone. Turn it up so that everyone else can dig that shit too!"

**The lizards are just for scale, but then so are all lizards, with the obvious exception of the chameleons, who are there to verify your colour balance.


At 8:44 PM, Blogger Mark said...

If lizards are just for scale, explain iguanas, eh?

At 10:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If one of those chameleon scum even so much as sniffs at a VDU then it'll be in contravention of the Lizards' Comparison Code #314, and our union will come down on it like a ton of cold-blooded bricks in a lizard-skin sack.

Monitors is our turf.

At 12:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

to hell with the lizards... what about this bint?

mmmmmmmmmmm. nice.

At 3:47 PM, Blogger Richard said...

Bint monitor, you are degrading a charitable cause. The lady in the t-shirt is obviously an avid conservationist with a love of all things monitor.

At 4:21 PM, Blogger impermissible wanyĆ¼ said...


laura veirs is ace and she is playing at fibbers on 8 april (you will be in york because that is the easter weekend)

you must come to the gig!
i will force wrenny if she can be forced...

At 4:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I can be forced but... I'll be in Lisbon then! (Lucky me!) Who is Laura Veirs? I've never heard of her.


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