Friday, January 20, 2006

Oh tedious week!

This week has been very tedious. I got back from Sheffield feeling harrassed rather than refreshed by three days of homotopy and two at my parents' (though seeing people in York was nice). The rest of the week hasn't been much better and -- you know what? -- I don't know why at all. There was a fun evening out yesterday after the geometry and topology seminars, but I got rather drunk and have felt pig sick all day.

Actual news is that I submitted a paper (the sea of red ink one) to a journal for the first time ever. Probably mentioning will have jinxed me, but I hope they like it and that the referee doesn't rip me to shreds (if it even gets that far).

Feel free to learn about Homology and Cohomology via the link on the right. You're also welcome to access me if you wish.


At 1:03 PM, Blogger Andrew said...

I do hope you wrote in your teaching statement that you're "accessible".


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