Friday, November 25, 2005


Like Dave said on his blog, today in Edinburgh we are beset by mingy snow! Despite the dullness of the photo (am going to get a digital camera sometime soon so that I don't have to use my phone), the snow was rather lush and fluttery. Now it's all slush and mess.

Had my penultimate lecture today. I also had thanksgiving dinner leftovers at a friend's for lunch, so now I'm familiar with proper cranberry sauce and sweet potato mash and green bean casserole. It was a fine thing.

Now I have to do more writing. God this is dull. Sorry!


At 3:50 PM, Blogger Richard said...

That's the view from my flat, by the way.

At 6:03 PM, Blogger jennywren said...

Wow, you got snow! No snow in Sheffield... hoping there'll be lots in south Derbyshire so school is cancelled!! Your phone takes really good pics!

At 3:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bad you didn't get a picture while it was snowing. The flakes were huge. Me and S staid at home until lunch time listening to Christmas carols and in the evening we made ginger bread with no ginger. It's Christmas time la la la la

At 6:52 PM, Blogger Richard said...

I've been hearing sleigh bells in my head ever since we went to Ikea.

At 9:14 PM, Blogger impermissible wanyĆ¼ said...

i like the picture...
i love edinburgh...

At 10:42 PM, Blogger Richard said...

Wanyu, the photo didn't do it justice. I really wish I had a good camera.

Elinborg, I clicked on your name. Why did it take me to the humvee website? You really aren't a big pimped-up car!

At 11:42 PM, Blogger impermissible wanyĆ¼ said...

it snowed in York today!
but nothing is white... coz it's just too wet and not cold enough~

ps. how do you like the music I play on my homepage??

pps. i like Air too!! I think you have really good tastes in music!


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