Big Brother!
This must be my blogging nadir: a pointless online diary entry about a pointless reality TV program, in which I will point out various things that the housemates / inmates / `characters' have done to render themselves fractionally less pointless than the other mewling gits whose company they're saddled with.
Before I go on you must understand that I love Big Brother. I watch it as often as possible. I spent the entirety of Big Brother 4 sewing a Highland Cow for my baby niece: BBLB at six, the normal show at nine, and repeats of both in the small hours, for ten weeks. That's a lot of telly and a lot of sewing.
People seem to find my love of Big Brother surprising, as if being interested in maths and stuff excludes me from watching the best show on the telly. For example, wine-soaked twistor theorist Toby Bailey was rendered speechless when I revealed that I watched Celebrity Big Brother last year. This kind of thing would be excusable if it didn't go round in circles: people whom I shocked and disappointed last year forget my affliction, enabling them to be indignantly condescending afresh the next time.
So where is all of this going? Well, I don't think this is the right venue to discuss my favourite housemates, except to say that Nikki should be appointed Enunciator-Royal for services to clear diction. Besides, my opinions about the current crop change more regularly than the England formation. No. I'll just strongly encourage you to watch this year's foul-mouthed, tattle-barbed, implausibly-augmented stropfest in all its hideous glory. And I'll also ask you to think back on Big Brothers past: how innocent and clean does the business with Nasty Nick and that guy Craig seem in contrast to this year's gaudy horror?
I'm going to try to be a little more regular with the posts in future. In particular, I will update all the music stuff and give an explanation for my slowness in reading Middlesex.
Now, be honest, are you more impressed with Nikki's clear diction or her hotpants...?
The diction. Before this series began I thought to myself "Please let them pick a housemate capable of pronouncing words very precisely." I was overjoyed with the result.
It seems that we are missing out on all the fun here in Iceland.
See you in 2 weeks.
now i know why you're still reading that same book and haven't moved on to the next
'"what goes in must come out." in your face!'
Stephen, are you trying to say that he is left with shit on his face?
you should eat more prunes Richard, that would keep you regular!
where have you disappeared to Rich?
I can vouch for that he is alive.
It was nice meeting you, finally ;)
Where am I? I'm alive and very well here in Edinburgh! I guess I've been very lazy with the blog, but I have my excuses...
'very well' is a very strong statement, although a bit opaque...
this boy is happy...
Well, Richard hauled an attractive solid wood 8-drawer CD unit two blocks down George Street and into a taxi. This is practically the same thing!
I heard he can haul ass as well.
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